Remember. There are plenty of setups, however, we'll need to find one that works with us.
This Video has PLD tanking, but I'm sure we'll do even better with War.
The reason why some of these Linkshells use Pld is that they lack a good Whm.
We have Fidi, so were set.

Here's is a another video to demonstrate.
Since I couldn't embed the video to this thread. Just click on the Link below and watch.
The Video above illustrates a very good portion of what this guide is gonna be talking about.
There will be minor changes on jobs etc.
Here's also a recent Thread regarding tactics for Garuda: ... ies-Garuda
Their will be three phases that you'll go through if everything is done right.
You'll need to get Garuda down to 30%-35% before 2hr.
If you get her down to 30% - You'll earn Armani's famous Mouth Hugs! ;O
*All Melee Class including Tank will need to use throwing items.
GC sells Levistones for 75 seals per stack (99)

Warx1 Whm x1 Brdx2 Mnkx1 Drgx2 Blmx1
Phase One: (Before Aerial Blast)
Party will go in - Buff and prepare for the fight.
Tank will engage and tank Garuda slightly left from the middle.
Closer to the left piller.
Mages will posistion themeselves on the fartest right piller.
However, they'll be standing on the side closest to Garuda.
War: Will be tanking Garuda and timing Steel Cyclone when Plumes spawn.
Brd: Bard - 1: Rigor: Bard - 2: Ballad/Paeon - Save TP for Plumes. *They will not be using Weaponskills on Garuda until after 2hr.
Drg: Will be focusing damage on Garuda then switch over to Plumes whenever they spawn. (Keen Flurry - Rings of Talon)
Mnk: All out on Garuda - Won't be using fist until after 2hr
Blm: All out on Garuda
Whm: Keep party alive
*Around 65% HP* (3rd Jump) We have to deal high enough damage so that her 2nd Jump is around this HP%.
Garuda will teleport around this HP - After Teleport - Destroy her!
[You have to stop all damage on here besides Tank at this point until she teleports (3rd Jump) and spawn Plumes] *This will allow a 30-45s delay on her 2hr Plumage. - Leave 1 Plume alive after this jump to by time to damage her.
(Everyone but the Tank will gather up and we'll rebuff etc before 2hr. Don't let her HP get below 60% until she Plumes.
After buff - Party will go all out damage Garuda until 2hr.)
*Tank will autoattack until she teleport and Plumage.
Bard Combo: The bard should have 3000tp before the Plumage after 65%.
Bard will Rain of Death the Plumes, then proceed to kill Garuda with all Skills.
When Garuda 2hr Plumage - Bard will proceed to Chain Combo with Heavy Shot►Leaden Arrow►Wide Volley.
After that, you'll follow up with a Heavy Shot►Quick Nock►Rain of Death again.
*Wide Volley/Rain of Death is used on Plumes. The first two skills are used on Garuda for Damage.
-Aerial Blast-
War: Buff Def Skills
Brd: Brd - 1: Battle Voice(2hr) AoE-StoneSkin : Bard - 2: AoE-Cure
Drg: Stay Alive!
Mnk: Fist of Earth - Will switch to Fist of Fire to kill Mage Clone
Blm: Sanguine Rite
Whm: Buff - Keep party alive
Phase 2: (Garuda: 30%-35% HP - Clones) - Party must stay behind Garuda at all times! Stay out of the Tornados!
War: Tanks Garuda depending on Stage - Facing away from party. (Tanks Collisions the BLM. Provokes Suprana) Help kill Suprana.
Brd: Destroy's Suprana
Drg: Destroy's Suprana - (2hr) Dragonfire Dive! Not so useless after all

Mnk: Destroy's Chirada - *Taunts Chirada close to Garuda:- Fist of Fire has to be on for magical damage!
Blm: Destroy's Chirada
Whm: Keeps Party alive!
*After Clones are dead -
Bard - 1: Will save TP in preparation for Plumes
Bard - 2: Uses Battle Voice! - Have TP ready for Plumes
Phase 3: (Tornado's) Garuda should be around 20% around this Phase. Stay out of the Tornados!
In Phase 3. There are three stages that is random.
Each Stage has its own different scenario. You'll have to turn on your filter and be ready to act upon each one.
Stage 1: West Winds (Middle) - Most Typical
Stage 2: South Winds (Plumes) - Usual stage after Clones
Stage 3: Warp and Bend (Follow Garuda) - Defeat same as Stage 1
Stage 1: West Winds (Middle)

This stage is very simple. Party gathers up in the middle and keep away from the edges.
Kill the Clones in the middle and proceed to kill Garuda before she moves to another stage.
Stage 2: South Winds (Plumes)
This Stage is slightly harder, but is repetitive.
There will be 3 Tornados that will spawn. The party must stay out of these tornados and move with them on the outer edges. AoE the Plumes as they spawn. *They can sleep you.

Stage 3: Warp and Bend
Similar to Stage 2. However, the Tornados are fixed and will not move.
Kill her at the position she leads you to.

War: Tanks brings Garuda to edge in preperation of kiting!
Brd: Destroys Plumes and then move with Tank!
Drg: Destroy's Garuda and then move with Tank!
Mnk: Destroy's Garuda and then move with Tank!
Blm: Destroy's Garuda and then move with Tank!
Whm: Keep Party alive!
You have defeated Garuda! I have lots of faith in our Linkshell!
I better see us wielding Garuda weapons when I get back!
You owe me my Heavy Darklight set for this!

Love you guys and Good Luck!
See you when I get back